4 aƱos :D

Hello again!!!!!
I've been gone for a while on and off, but now i am back! yay! I finally got the internet back except now its dial up and it takes a long time. Newayz, i have managed to keep my job for more than 4 months, whoohooo!!! My hair already grew out the ten inches i needed to grow so i can donate it to the Locks of Love foundation!!!. I have been growing my hair for over a year so i could do this so i can bring a smile to someones face and im glad im going to be able to do that. The pic that i have is of me in September, when it was still a couple of inches short, but now i have them, and im way past the ten that i need! Maybe later i'll post a recent one where my hair is longer. :D
Today is my fourth yr that I have been with my Boyfriend, Jose TE AMO!!! Wow, right? hehe que aguante. No its been nice and cool, and im not about to get married though cuz im still too chiquilla, but later on when im older and if were still togehter then maybe we will.
Its about less then 3 wks till i turn 19. Me estoy haciendo vieja! hehe.