In the afternoon while my parents were eating, I took my chance of asking my dad for my Military Ball dress. :D and he said yes. For the past three yrs they have bought me a dress for that day and of course this yr, wasnt going to be the exception. Ya le dije that he better go with me on that day and march with me under the arch of sabers for the seniors. and he laughed and he said that he would go. My dad doesnt like to go out much so this night is going to be a very nice one for me, he hasnt gone to 2 of my military balls, and the one he did go to, he was angry and he pulled me out before the awards ceremony was over. I was annoyed and sad.
Newayz, we had a very interesting conversation that followed:
Mom: Una vez que estas aqui sentada dile a tu papa que es lo que quieres hacer
Me: (acting stupid and like if i didnt know what i wanted to ask him) Que? yo no se de lo que hablas mom
Mom: A que si, tu bien sabes lo que quieres hacer, andale dile
Me: oh yeah, ( i laugh)
Dad: Que quieres hacer?
Me: Me quiero hacer pierce mi eyebrow
Dad: Que es eso?
Me: Me quiere poner un arete en la ceja
Dad: (annoyed look in his face) No! estas loca, como te vas a poner un arete en la ceja? No, ninguna de tus amigas tiene uno, y tu no te vas a poner nada.
Me: (annoyed) Y luego? No tiene nada que ver
Dad: No te vas a poner nada, y ademas no se mira bien. Ya cuando tengas 21 años ya puedes hacer lo que quieras, mientras estes en la casa, no te vas a poner nada
Me:No se vale
Mom: Es que dice que no le dijiste nada a Saray cuando ella se puso el de ella en la lengua
Dad: Saray no me dijo, y cuando yo supe, ni modo de quitarselo de la boca
Me: (sad and annoyed get up and walk off)
I later on went to give my friends a visit to their work and i told them about my dad and my conversation and they lauged their butts off. So i told them joking around, "Get ur eyebrow pierced that way theyll let me." and they told me no, and that i was crzy. I have very clean cut friends, que parecen que no quiebran ningun plato, and i think my parents dont want for me to be the rotten apple. Why didnt i try and rebel earlier?
Arent i pathethic? 18 and i still listen to everything my parents say. I think its cuz they control my car, gas money, my allowance, and my ability to go out, and the fact that Im the last "child" they have that isnt married. This really sux bad....why do i have to be so obedient? rebelling part in my late yrs of my teenage life isnt working too well for me...hehe.