Mi Mente y Pensamientos

Im growing up, Im going out into this crzy world of ours and facing reality....

Monday, March 21, 2005

I got a 51 :D

Today I got my ASVAB score back. I walked into Jrotc and i saw a huge smile on Sgt. Willinghams face and he said, "Great job." I was like "huh? great job on what?" and he told me that i got a 51. and yet i still didnt know what he was talking about, then he told me that i had gotten a 51 on my ASVAB and that I could get any job that I wanted in the Army. I was happy, and I still am. The highest score that someone got was an 88, which is pretty cool and thats b-cuz the girl (yes it was a girl, whoohooo!) is barely a sophmore at school. Last yr, it was Alicia the one that had gotten the highest score with an 80, but shes not interested in the military, she could have gone into West Point, and had alot of offers from the Army, the Reserve, the Air Force and the Navy. But she wont give in. The Navy recruiter was there and talked to Alicia, Dario and me about the Navy, but i dont think i'll join. Sgt. Willingham told him that I had been accepted to a University and that I wasnt interested. he spoke for me, but i guess i would have said the same thing. Now this is another option to think about. I have a score high enough to join the Military.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

My dad said no :(

In the afternoon while my parents were eating, I took my chance of asking my dad for my Military Ball dress. :D and he said yes. For the past three yrs they have bought me a dress for that day and of course this yr, wasnt going to be the exception. Ya le dije that he better go with me on that day and march with me under the arch of sabers for the seniors. and he laughed and he said that he would go. My dad doesnt like to go out much so this night is going to be a very nice one for me, he hasnt gone to 2 of my military balls, and the one he did go to, he was angry and he pulled me out before the awards ceremony was over. I was annoyed and sad.

Newayz, we had a very interesting conversation that followed:

Mom: Una vez que estas aqui sentada dile a tu papa que es lo que quieres hacer
Me: (acting stupid and like if i didnt know what i wanted to ask him) Que? yo no se de lo que hablas mom
Mom: A que si, tu bien sabes lo que quieres hacer, andale dile
Me: oh yeah, ( i laugh)
Dad: Que quieres hacer?
Me: Me quiero hacer pierce mi eyebrow
Dad: Que es eso?
Me: Me quiere poner un arete en la ceja
Dad: (annoyed look in his face) No! estas loca, como te vas a poner un arete en la ceja? No, ninguna de tus amigas tiene uno, y tu no te vas a poner nada.
Me: (annoyed) Y luego? No tiene nada que ver
Dad: No te vas a poner nada, y ademas no se mira bien. Ya cuando tengas 21 años ya puedes hacer lo que quieras, mientras estes en la casa, no te vas a poner nada
Me:No se vale
Mom: Es que dice que no le dijiste nada a Saray cuando ella se puso el de ella en la lengua
Dad: Saray no me dijo, y cuando yo supe, ni modo de quitarselo de la boca
Me: (sad and annoyed get up and walk off)

I later on went to give my friends a visit to their work and i told them about my dad and my conversation and they lauged their butts off. So i told them joking around, "Get ur eyebrow pierced that way theyll let me." and they told me no, and that i was crzy. I have very clean cut friends, que parecen que no quiebran ningun plato, and i think my parents dont want for me to be the rotten apple. Why didnt i try and rebel earlier?

Arent i pathethic? 18 and i still listen to everything my parents say. I think its cuz they control my car, gas money, my allowance, and my ability to go out, and the fact that Im the last "child" they have that isnt married. This really sux bad....why do i have to be so obedient?....my rebelling part in my late yrs of my teenage life isnt working too well for me...hehe.

Se le paso el Coraje! :D

My mom finally got over her objection of getting my eyebrow pierced! Whoohooo! All my mom told me was, "Esta bueno, lo puedes hacer nadamas dile a tu papa que te lo vas a hacer." I dont think i'll have any problems with my dad, and whether he says yes or no i'll still do it, porque a el tambien se le tiene que pasar el coraje. I think im going Wednesday right after school that way I have my Easter Vac. to have it on and not take it off b-cuz of school.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Today I went to the Army ROTC Orientation at Pan-Am...it was interesting. When we got there, both my friend Alicia and I were lost...hehe. But we finally found the auditorium and we went in. I dont know, but I might consider joining Rotc, I graduate as a 2LT in the Army, which is pretty cool and nice, but I dont know. It has so many things that are so interesting and I like adventure and I like to try out new things...hmmm....its an option im thinking about.

After we got out of Pan-Am we went to go visit my sister who lives in Edingburg and it was nice. After a while we left and she told me, "Dont get on the expressway cuz of all the construction." So being the "nice and obedient" girl that i am, i listened, but ask me why did i listen? Alicia and me got lost, hehe, hard to believe that a 18 and a 17 yr old got lost...but yeah...we didnt know where we were going and we were laughing our butts off. I mean we knew we were in Edinburg, we just didnt know what part we were at and where we were going to end up. After like about 30 min., and driving around like crzy we finally started recognizing things around us....what a trip...I think im gonna go night night now, I'm tired and I havent gotten much sleep this week. Sweet Dreams to myself. :D

Friday, March 18, 2005


Im wondering....is it so wrong to still be a child at heart? Just a thouhgt and question...why do some plp try to grow up so fast and not enjoy life one day at a time...


I am still undecided on what to do for college...and it gets me so annoyed that I still havent decided what to do. A person from UTPA called me from the ROTC dept. asking if I wanted to go to orientation tomorrow...and I think im going. I just think I am, I called my partner in crime and the person who pushed me to not let my "bf" get the best of me and we are going tomorrow. Hopefully we will wake up early enough to go...hehe...i think its going to be pretty hard for me to wake up...im such a lazy bum. Life is so confusing...and it annoys me that i sometimes just space out and i tune everything out. Its my life that I have to think about and here I am still trying to think about what to do. I know that I wanted to Major in Criminal Justice, but then again I dont know...what if college isnt for me? It annoys me and im afraid of failure, and being just another flonke and being the same failure like my other siblings....fuck, i hate this...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

35 :D

It seems 35 is a nice and good number for me. For the Color Guard today we got 35 out of the max 35 points we could have gotten. whoooohooo!!!! and then i found out its gonna be $35 for piercieng my eyebrow :P

I feel a very big weight has been carried off my shoulders after this inspection. We did pretty good overall, i dont know the results but yeah by what i saw i think we did good. What still amazes me and i wanted to just smack these plp in the head was when asked "Who is the Vice-President of the United States?"....they said "Cadet was informed but does not recall." They didnt know. Tisk, tisk, how i would have loved to smack this plp in the head. I think that was the only weakness my co had, the only questiont they didnt know. When they asked me what platoon i wanted to drill, i immediately said 1st plattoon, why? they are the best, and they did their best. It was the best drill that i have seen in my four yrs in JROTC, "the best drill they did the whole day," according to the inspector. Bravo Company, :P Do i hear a Best Company coming my way? hopefully :D

Monday, March 14, 2005

Under Pressure :(

I am so annoyed and frustrated right know with school....i woke up this morning and i thouhgt about quitting....yep im stupid....no i dont think that way anymore...yes i got sense knocked back into me. Nombre, its cuz JROTC is draining all my energy and happiness right know. Tomorrow we have a "Minor" or "Major" Inspection, however plp want to look at it, and we are gonna get inspected on drill and formal inspection, plus I have the Color Guard to take care of and do. I'm a Company Commander for Bravo Co, (best company in the Bear Battalion!), and the pressure isnt doing me any good. A ver como nos va mañana.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

A Conversation with the Bisa

Today I went To Reynosa to go visit my grandmother cuz she got operated from her back, like two days ago and she is fine, i didnt go up to see her cuz hospitals scare me, but just as long as i know shes ok thats fine with me. Newayz, after what was about an hour my Mom came out along with my Bisabuela, and we sat there on the banqueta of the hospital and talked about all the things that were going on in my family. Man, if you were to have a conversation with this lady, she will make u laugh. She may be old, but she still has the power to make u laugh. Se puso unos lentes de "Botella" that made her eyes look really big, hehe plp were just staring at her and u could see smiles on their faces but they wouldnt laugh.

After a long while, my mom went back up and I stayed down with my Bisa, and we talked...

Me: Tengo sueno
Bisa: A que horas te acuestas mija?
Me: No temprano pero manana voy a la escuela
Bisa: A que horas?
Me: Como a las once
Bisa: Eso es temprano
Me: A que no...usted se va a acostar bien tarde
Bisa: a que no, me voy a dormir a las dos. (The older she gets the less sleep she gets)
Me: Fijese, a eso le llama temprano
Bisa: Se rie, si.

Changing the conv.

Bisa: Tu tio se paso hecha la mocha y me fui detras de el pero no lo pude alcanzar
Me: Cuando?
Bisa: Ahorita, cuando el llego, camino bien rapido y parecia que le habian prendido un cerillo en el rabo. :P
Me: Ay buelita!
Bisa: se rie

This lady is in her late 70's maybe early 80s, and she can still walk without getting tired. She will bring a smile to ur face. I remeber when we were small we used to be scared of her and we wouldnt like her very much cuz she was real regañona, and she used to give us coscorrones when we wouldnt listen, but now she makes fun of plp and she goes along with whatever my primos and i have to say...just to piss off my parents and my uncles....I Love you Buelita Maria. :D

Pimp My Ride :P

Earlier today I was watching MTV and the show Pimp My Ride came on. I remebered in other shows of Pimp my ride, they had cars that had duct tape or electrical tape to hold on to some of their car parts...which I thought was pretty funny....hehe...then I remebered that like about a month ago my friend and I were coming to my house on the expressway and we saw this beautiful red mustang....and it had tape holding the front headlight together....and both of us started laughing....hehe....and then i told her about Pimp my ride and we started laughing even more....and you want to know what i also realized?....that i too had tape on my car....yep...its holding my mirror from falling off.... :P Maybe i should give pimp my ride a try.... :-P

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Rio Bravo

Today I went to Rio Bravo with my mom and my grandmother cuz we were going to visit my other grandmother, my dads mother, but she wasnt there so we took off to the pharmacy and then to eat taquitos at a taqueria in front of the Soriana. My mom didnt want to get off nor my buelita, but I did. So we got off. It always surprises me and I think its nice when a man te dice "Buenas Noches" and they take off their hat or cap and then they take their seat, and here they dont. No one tells you hi, they just ignore u and take their seat. How much one FK single body of water can make a lot of difference.

My Gordo and me :D Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Phone Book

Yesterday we got the new phone book, and the first thing I saw was when i got it was a picture and an Ad of an Attorney. This Attorney who had his pic and was advertising was the one who was handling my case when I was involved in a car accident last November. The funny thing was that I never saw him or met him, i heard him speak on the phone once when my dad had gone with me to his office but I never really met him. Why? I was underage, so my parents were the ones doing all the paperwork and stuff with him, i dont know i may be crzy, pero yo pienso that this is so f*****g hilarious. Me da risa porque here i see the pic of the man who helped me out and handled everything from fixing my car to paying the hospital and therapy bills, yet I never met him.

No me Hables..... :D

About a week ago my mom and me were at Wal Mart looking at the Jewelry cuz i was going to be Madrina de regalo sorpresa for my neighbor...and i saw all the silver tongue, nose and bellybutton earrings. Ever since I have been in the 6th grade i have wanted to pierce my face, well my eyebrow, and I have been telling my parents for the past 6 yrs of my life not to get mad or shocked when they see me with one, y mi dad todo el tiempo me dice "Mejor ponte uno en la nariz, como los toros." I laugh and tell him que no, that i want one by my eyebrow. Newayz, back at the ranch, I saw them and took that chance to tell my mom that since i was 18 already i could pierce it by myself without an adult and that it wasnt going to go beyond this week that i was going to get it. Uh-oh, wrong idea and place to say this. She started screaming and yelling at me in front of everybody, I actually thouhgt it was funny, y me dijo, "Ya no me hables cuando te lo hagas, es mas ya no me hables desde ahorita!" and she walked away from me. Hehe...I folloowed her y le dije que el coraje se le iba a pasar and that she eventually had to talk to me. She ignored me and told me que she was going to keep her word on it. :P That if she didnt talk to my sister when she got her tongue pierced about 3 yrs ago, that she wasnt going to talk to me either. I still havent gotten it pierced, but Im determined to do it before i graduate...se le tiene que pasar el coraje a mi mom. :P

Monday, March 07, 2005


Yesterday my family and I went to Borderfest :D It was really nicce to have gone and spent some time with la familia...its been a really long time since my family had long since gone out...and yesterday was really nice. We didn't go in to see the groups cuz we were too busy getting on the rides y subiendo a los chiquillos a los juegos tambien.

My big sister did go in to see them though, ella se vuelve loca con Pesado and that was the only reason why she went to borderfest..to go see them. I would have like to have gone in to see them too but my dad was too tired from carrying all my sobrinos from ride to ride.


Xavi, my sister and me :D Posted by Hello

Juan De Dios Posted by Hello

Juan De dios and Alex Posted by Hello

Juan De Dios and Alex Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Eating at Mcdonalds...:P

My Friends got the "bright idea" to leave campus and go out to eat. We aren't allowed to go off campus to eat cuz its a closed campus. I had already come out of school cuz i have early release....but my friends dont, well at least 3 out of the 4 i went out with dont. So two of them got on my car and the other two got on another and we took off. The funny part was that the security guard never stops me....NEVER! and today wasnt going to be the excpetion...or so i thouhgt. Since he was blocking the exit i decided to go trough another exit and my friends in the other car went before me. Well they got past the guard and right when i was going out, the security ran up to my car and tried to stop me...hehe i didnt stop...i kept going....sigh...how fun that was. :D

Newayz, we drove on to McDonalds and we ate there. Somehow along our conversation a question came up that my friend Judith asked Maggie where her bf lived. and Maggie replied by saying that he lived near me. Then Judith told me "I didnt know u lived in Las Milpas!" and I playing around said, "Dude, i dont live in Las milpas, me offendes!" And the table went quiet. cricket, cricket. Yep all four of them live in Las Milpas...and here I was the only outsider sitting there from San Juan. Hehe. It was funny though, all of them stared at me and after a while of staring and quietness they started telling me that Las Milpas wasnt as bad as San Juan, and that they might have all the gangs and drug dealers living there, but that all the bad stuff hapened in San Juan and Alamo. After a while of playfully arguing at each other and bringing down each others city, we kept it going with memories from when we were small and all the crap we had done. I think we almost got kicked out from all the laughing and screaming but it was all worth it....i learned something new from each and every one of them...

Another trophy....

I finally went to school today after not going after three days of being a lazy bum and being priviledged and very lucky that i am a Senior and the fact that i passed my TAKS test on the first try last year...and i found out that another of our schools team won a trophy....our PT (Physical Traning) Team also won a trophy...they won third place. Whoohooo!!! That was the coolest!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

We won!

Yesterday I got the good news that we had Won at out competition! Whoohoo! We won third place in the Unfolding/Folding Flag phase of the Competition! I'm glad that we got something, our drill was also the best, but we unfortunately did not win anything. Another of my schools team, the Unarmed Drill team also won four trophies to include "Best Commader." This was a very good competition overall.